Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Activity 15.9 Write Your Resume

Activity 15.9 Write Your Resume

Q Your Task Using the data you developed in Activity 15.4, write your résumé. Aim it at the full-time job, part-time position, or internship type-job located in Activity 15.5. Also prepare a list of references. Revise your résumé until it is perfect. ?

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Assistant Project Manager A strong believer in the ability of the management of projects and research combined with design thinking. Only together we can make a project successful for building a great future. Contact number:…….. Email:………. Work Experience (2017 February till now) -3 years working experience in the field of project management for a retail company. - Walmart Inc. is the current employer